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congo hoe

When I was a little jit, I used to want to be in a bluegrass group. So when this girl walked into the XXX PAWN SHOP telling me she wanted to sell me some instruments, I was really excited. She told me her name was Kitty and she had instruments from her country that she needed to get rid of for some QUICK CASH. I was like great! This little American girl has some good country loving instruments. I was expecting a banjo, maybe a guitar or a fiddle. But what she brought in was useless foreigner BULL CRAP instruments. Whats worse is she wanted 800 buck for them. She told are she was DESPERATE because her family in Ecuador were about to lose their home. Well, being a fine RED BLOODED AMERICAN that I am, I quickly turned this situation to my advantage I told her that I would give her a 150 for her farmers tools, but if she come to the back office I would let her in on the REAL DEAL. If kitty wanted get another 650 to help out La familia back home she had to give up the KITTY… if you know

  • 00:51:18
  • Sep 06, 2016
  • 575


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