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perfect stranger

Hey people, today Robert is own his way to go riding but cant see to find the place. He runs into this pretty blonde girl named suzanne. She show him the way to where the place is at. Along the way she seems like she is down for whatever, so Robert feeds into to it totally. Asking her what does she like in sex, if she likes anal etc. you know the regular questions, lol. Robert ask her to show tits and she doesnt hestiatate at all. She maybe a little bit slow in the head but Robert doesnt give a fucking he loves those types all day,lol. He persuaes her with some nice cash to suck his dick a little bit and let him play with her pussy some. She takes him to a quiet spot in the woods and lets him do more than just play with her lol. He bangs her out lovely and give her a great facial and calls it a day, lol. Robert always seem to find the great ones, haha.

  • 00:22:12
  • Jun 19, 2012
  • 706


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