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blue squirt - second camera

Surely you’ve seen our original Blue Pee video?! Well, we decided it was time to revisit it and make it more erotic. In this second camera scene, both Leo and I have prepared ourselves with some blue piss ;) It starts with me lying on the bed in a lazy morning haze. I’m wearing a white t-shirt and I’m slowly bringing myself to a squirting orgasm. We’ve both been holding it in for so long, it feels amazing to relieve some pressure - that in itself is orgasmic. Leo comes to my side and unloads his blue morning piss all over me and the white t-shirt. It’s so warm and feels so good against my skin. I turn myself to face the camera as Leo puts his talented hands in my pussy to help me get out two more rounds of squirt! ;D


  • 00:04:03
  • Apr 14, 2024
  • 60


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