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calvin banks dicks down hazel hoffman bareback

Hazel gets on his side, pulling his muscled thighs together. Calvin fingers before he re-enters. This time he starts slow, but the strokes remain right to the balls. Calvin leans in and they passionately kiss. He stops fucking so he can suck on Hazel’s hog and nibble on his nipples. “Fuck, yes,” Hazel whispers. Calvin fingers the booty again before returning to hammering. “You want to fuck me missionary,” Hazel asks. He pulls his legs up. The sound of flesh against flesh echoes in the room. “Oh yeah, baby,” Calvin says. “Open up for me. Open up for me. Oh, my God. You take dick so well.” “Pound me,” Hazel pleads. “Just like that.” His special spot has taken a beating and that causes him to shoot a succulent load all over his stomach. Calvin is next, giving Hazel a creamy creampie. After depositing all his jizz, Calvin pulls out, and we see cum coating Hazel’s opening...

  • 00:29:28
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • 174


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