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step gay dad - wanker - secrets of the night

In this instalment titled Wanker we find Stepdad, a dedicated stepdad who s struggling with insomnia. Night after night, he finds himself tossing and turning, unable to catch a wink of shut eye. Determined not to disturb his grumpy wife who is resting beside him, who snoozes soundly beside him, Stepdad resorts to sneaky tactics to pass the time.

One fateful night, Stepdad decides to delve into the depths of the internet on his smartphone. As he navigates through videos and photos of sexy gay models, he stumbles upon some intriguing content that sends his testosterone soaring and his uncut cock throbbing. However, his attempts to indulge in his late-night wanking and browsing without detection become increasingly perilous as his wife s slumber is on the edge of being disturbed.

With each passing minute, the tension mounts as Stepdad on the brink of discovery. Will he manage to keep his nocturnal activities a secret, or will his wife awaken to uncover his clandestine beha

  • 00:19:09
  • Apr 11, 2024
  • 37


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