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spanish kiss on the monster cock

Hey so I got a call from my home boy Ramon this morning. Told me to come down to Miami Beach, and it was really important. When I get there he s sippin on a beverage and chillin . Turns out he wanted to get laid and wanted me to help him do it. I knew he had done this on purpose, because last week I pulled him out of a fishing trip so he could help me get laid. So whatever I helped him out. We walked a while checking out the chicks and grabbing some asses when we could get away with it. Suddenly, we hear someone screaming Ramon s name. It turned out to be Reecca Linares a famous porn star from L.A. who was down here on vacation doing some shopping. She knew Ramon , but they never fucked before. Ramon quickly seized the opportunity to get her to come on set and check out his monster cock. She had heard stories from other girls, but she couldn t believe it until she saw with her own eyes. But she s a champ and she took it like one. This was one of the best fucks on Monsters of Cock. Her pussy was so tight that at every thrust she was screaming in pleasure. If you want to check out more of this hot chick check out the full movie. She s fucking hot!!!! Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 02, 2008
  • 355


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