High drama comes to adult films in Girlfriends Films Imperfect Angels series. Amidst a backdrop bursting with lesbian affairs, a very young and vulnerable Faye suddenly faces her own sexual confusion when she discovers that her revered stepmother Magdalene wants a woman lover. The two battle their secret attractions and dirty fantasies about each other until Faye suddenly discovers Magdalene in bed with one of her schoolmates. Crushed by confusion, chaos, and jealousy, Faye ends her own life.
Barry Scott, Gianna Michaels, Bobbi Starr, Lorelei Lee, Jack Venice
Luscious Lopez, Bobbi Starr, Mason Moore, Angel, Mike Hunter, Adam Wood, Ken, Jack Matzye, Donald, Linda, William Vega, Johnny Zinn
Kid Jamaica, Yanick Shaft, Mia Evans, Bobbi Starr, Alisya Gap
Seth Gamble, Bobbi Starr, Commando, Roxy Deville