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the slut takes 6 bbcs

This is what happens when I tell the Legendary Richard Mann that I want a HUGE BBC GANGBANG!


OMG, I had a 4 BBC Gangbang in October in my 1st ever week of filming, and now this just happened 2 weeks ago.. yup 6 huge beautiful BBC Studs including the Mann himself, Richard Mann, the Pussy Bandit Jonathan Jordan and his 11 + cock, and masterful Mr. Nuttz helped lead this amazing event.

Oh, did I mention that I got my 1st ever DV & DA... and it wasn t no small dicks either, both were done by RICHARD MANN & JONATHAN JORDAN, 2 of the largest Big Black Cocks in the game... and I took both like a champ in my pussy & my sweet little asshole!

Be in awe as you watch your favorite Muscle Mistress take all the huge cocks plus I believe about 8 big hot loads during this amazing session! You ll lose more loads than you can count as you hear me scream in pleasure too!!

  • 01:02:33
  • Apr 17, 2024
  • 431


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