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the tallest angel comes to ddf! 5581h

This set gives you a real view inside Sonia. Goodness gracious this honey is tall glass of oh my fucking gosh! Unbelievably stunning in every way possible, and here to show you what her mama gave her. Standing 5 10 with legs that go for miles, a booty that should be in the Smithsonian, and a gorgeous face and smile. It s a wonder I can even write this!
She s wearing what has to be the sexiest pantyhose, stocking and bra set i ve ever seen, and she is so enthusiastic about posing for us! Bent over on her bed, it s just a fiesta of black high heels, awesome feet, sensual claves and thighs, and my goodness I can t say enough about this women s booty! If I could bury my face in their, I think life would be complete! Wow, and when she peeps us her tulip by parting her panties, its game over! Oh my, and its just the beginning, I really can t write anymore, just enjoy the set, you ll be here for awhile!

  • 00:02:05
  • Dec 07, 2003
  • 33


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