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her pussy has the midas touch! 5530bish

Big-boobed Jessika uses her toe-sucking skill and golden toy to get herself off! This pop tart is unreal! Check her out sitting at the corner of the sofa in her leopard print bikini, looking like she just came home from the beach breaking hearts all over the place. At 5 7 with a 32DD-25-37 inch frame, she s knockin guys did like Medusa, but in a good way. They go to the nearest receptacle to whack off at one glance of this beauty!
She does a naughty little striptease for us on the couch, and when those plum perfect pomelos pop out and she flashes her fully shaved cooter for us, it s game on! She manages to frick her perfect box with a golden dildo, and I have to wonder, was that dildo gold before, or did it turn into gold after entering her treasure box? Enquirer minds want to know!

  • 00:01:52
  • Jul 08, 2003
  • 56


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