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son of a beach

So I was playing football with my friend at the beach, when suddenly this hot milf comes into the picture wearing a very sexy bathing suite. She took her top off and went to the water to take a swim. Everybody in the beach was looking at her; she was the center of attention. So I decided to tell my friend to throw the ball, and I was going to land on her tits. And that’s what I did. I landed right beside her to start a conversation that could lead to other stuff if you know what I mean. I gave her my number to see what was up, and I just waited for her call. But what I received was more than a call; she sent me a picture to my phone naked showing her beautiful ass. I went to the hotel where she was staying, and the rest is for you to see. This chick knows how to ride some cock, and best of all, I fucked her doggy style. So check it out!

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 25, 2008
  • 301


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