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the replacement cucumber

Kasey was at home today. But shes always home. Kasey s a house wife thtat dedicates her life to strong foundations and making sure that her man is always satisfied thats her job and she likes it. Shes also a Milf. She has the most beautiful long legs, round bubble butt, beautiful natural breast and the loveliest curves on her body. One look at her and you ll never forget about the happiest day in you life. Kassey is also a good Listener. Like when ricki her best freind came over one day, lamenting her newest break up it was kasey who listened to her problem and found a solution that would help her and satisfy them both. The both practiced oral sex with cucumbers of various sizes so that ricki could learn to deep throat her next man. Kassey also shared her husband so that ricki can learn how to fuck like Kassey does. So grab a seat and grab something else because this is going to be a delicious Milf Lesson.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 21, 2007
  • 228


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