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the fang bros

After a canceled Halloween party, Valerica Steele and Kay Lovely are left without their yearly halloween hookup. They resort to having sex with each other but they soon realize that they need dick to fully satisfy them. This is when Kay remembers the old urban myth about the legendary vampire duo known as the Fang Brothers. They say that if you go in the mirror and repeat the name three times. FANG BROS… FANG BROS… FANG BROS. The remaining Fang Brother will appear and have sex with any girl that calls his name. At first, they think their attempt was a bust. But they soon realize that this was more than just a myth. Once Count Dickula appears, Both girls immediately get wet and he delivers on his promise of fucking those that called him. He takes turns stretching their tight pussies and eventually busts a huge nut all over their faces.

  • 00:45:27
  • Oct 26, 2021
  • 1201


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