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fantasy: milked by a hot student - female domination femdom pov

I was passing by your office this week, Professor, and I couldn t stop myself when I noticed your open laptop on the desk...I HAD to take a look at your folders. You already know what I discovered: your secret gay porn stash. I bet you don t want the entire town to find out what a pervert you are, and especially not your dear rich, conservative wife. Now that I have you w around my finger, you will do whatever I say for as long as I want, and I ll keep your secrets safe. First, I want to pass all the exams without much effort, and will become my financial slave. I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship!
Tags : uniform, student, glasses, POV, costume, humiliation, domination, fantasy, non-nude, femdom, roleplay, financial-domination, female-domination, findom, teacher-and-student, finsub, morrigan-havoc

  • 00:08:17
  • May 27, 2022
  • 11


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