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lock jaw: amber rayne

I first met Amber_RayneXXX a number of year ago when I did a 4 on 4 shoot called Monster Cock Fuck Fest. She was a beast and was begging for all 3 holes to be stuffed with Big Black Cock. I fell in love right then and there and knew I just had to get her for my very own. I was able to do that on a trip I made to Las Vegas. Amber is a hella sexy hardcore fetish chick who loves to role play and is a real life DOM/sub switch. She loves to be in control and loves being used as well. So she wanted to role play she was bout to get married but needed one last throat fucking before she did. knowing the type of whole Amber is I knew I d have to come with it; and in this one I let her have it. I started in the bathroom but quickly seen I d need a little more room to really get loose with her the way I wanted to. So I take her downstairs where I proceed to take her throat about like no one ever has. I fucked her throat harder than I fuck most pussies, spit on her, put her in a leg lock and just used her throat like it was not even attached to her body. So much so that at one point when I was fucking her throat while she hung over the couchI broke and stretched her throat well this day and then nutted in her face. She licked it up and went about her way like the cumdump that she was born. This one is a DeepThroat/Imterracial Classic for sure. Get this one

  • 00:21:56
  • May 20, 2022
  • 542


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