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hips, lips and fingertips

Kona Jade and Playboy Playmate Stephanie Love are unexpectedly left alone during a photo shoot. Their flirting turns to kissing and heavy petting. Soon Stephanie is kneeling before Kona, snacking on her tight little pussy. A nearby bedroom calls and the pair find themselves with some fun toys to play with. They each have a go with a strap-on, treating each other to a deep and hard pounding. In between each session, the girls make sure to take a hearty mouthful of pussy. Their tongues are well-trained pussy assassins. Finally, they have a turn with some big bulky vibrators, first one another and then in sync on the bed, giving us a double barrel shot of their exquisite pink pussies as they happily grind away together. Kona even shares her talents and gives us a little splash.

  • 00:45:40
  • Apr 04, 2024
  • 523


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