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blondie fucks herself with bluey! 5164h

Every man in the world has fantasies about these legs! Here s what they were doing this morning!
Sandy got all dressed up for work looking like a multi-colored gourmet ice cream pop! A tube top covering her titties, mini-skirt and custom baby blue pantyhose and heels were draped on that awesome tan body. She took a look in the mirror and was like oh fuck, I have to fuck my self NOW! So, she gets to doing just that, and lucky for us the camera crew was on hand to capture every moment of her leg spreading adventure! She really gapes her juicy slot right open for us while enjoying some toes in her mouth. Her flexibility is comparable to a gymnast and she just goes to town on those toes! Then she gets what she really wanted before leaving the house, so she could rest easy, big bluey the dildo jammed straight in her hot twat!

  • 00:10:01
  • Apr 01, 2002
  • 27


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