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construction twink ethan adams gets dicked down raw before work

“Perfect fucking hole,” Colby exclaims. He gives both cheeks sharp slaps. “I love your tongue,” Ethan whimpers. “You’re going to love my dick more,” Colby says. He gets up, placing the tip right at the backdoor. He gradually works the raw meat inside. “Fuck, yeah,” he calls out. “Take it all.” Ethan moves his sweet booty back. “Bounce on that dick,” Colby encourages. “Fuck me, please,” Ethan begs. Colby lets him take charge so he can get used to his dick’s girth. “You like my tight pussy,” Ethan wonders. Colby methodically deep dicks. “Give me that little boy hole,” he whispers. “Fuck you silly.” Ethan removes his pants and underwear; he gets on his stomach on the bench. Colby stuffs his johnson back inside. “Fuck me,” Ethan groans. “Please.” He changes positions. This time on his back, legs on Colby’s shoulders. When Colby reinserts his dick, Ethan grabs Colby’s arms and thighs. He lifts Ethan up, suspended midair, and impaled on cock. “Fuck. That feels so good,” Ethan moans...

  • 00:23:31
  • Apr 10, 2024
  • 73


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