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slutty witches

Shakespeare has long been thought to have exceedingly sexual and blatant innuendos of unrequited love, illicit lust and young passion. This updated rendition may stand out further than the Hollywood busts due to its likely accuracy portraying the corruption and sex-trades of the European 17th Century. Perhaps Bluebird Films has finally anchored the esteemed timeless Renaissance play in what is known to be an intense dramatic comedy! (This is definitely emotional and hilarious!) Watch all the orgies, the double penetration, the gagging and most importantly, check out how classy these girls can take a hard pounding in one of the most famous narrative on Earth! All in one, get a history lesson while letting the feelings flow! Act I begins by the trio of Sex Sisters developing sexual tension with their dirty mouths and caldron of lustful energies. Fair is foul and foul is fair, they repeat and we all know what that means: all is fair amidst love and war. Theatrical effects and set design swirl and pan into a developing heated argument. The result is thus, a sultry group-sex-orgy between the royalty and submissive messengers and slave girls. War is ravaging Scotland and Norway. This fuck fest may be the last chance they have at sharing their reproductive fluids! Macbeth, the savior of Scottland proves he s got the cock and balls.. One double agent, Thane of Cawdor is ascertained and removed from the planet, but not before getting his nut busted down a pretty little throat1 King Duncan appoints Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor to demonstrate his gratitude; to celebrate, he s sure to get a few girls together with their holes and his man-stem. The three Sex-Sisters confront Banquo and Macbeth with their dripping pussies. Sucking off Macbeth into their magical spell, they show him he is worthy of a King s position! King Duncan stops for the evening at Macbeth s humble abode and takes advantage of his power by indulging in Macbeths wife. What a guy; she cannot deny a royal fucking! Lady Macbeth is a true player, raging an assassination of King Duncan so that her husband will forge a new sexual Renaissance for the faltering nations. Lady Macbeth tantalizes her husband Mister Macbeth into abiding by her pussy-power-plans. He, only after dripping his crotch log, hesitantly conspires to take down Duncan. By conclusion of Act I, Macbeth is exhausted of all the sex and realizes he needs to get to work on his wife s plan.

  • 02:36:28
  • Apr 03, 2024
  • 290


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