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do what you got to!

Today we have a dude that is totally trying to get into the porn game. So he was told that in order to get in he had to do gay porn first. So we run through everything that he is supposed to do on his first shoot. What he does know is that he is not fucking or getting his dick sucked today. So we tell him that the way it is determined who fucks who is, who ever has the biggest cock gives and and the smaller cock takes it all. It obvious we they both pull out who wins. He doesn t seem too disappointed, but is very afraid of our friend s large black snake. This guy can barely take his cock at all. Constantly complaining and to be the trooper that his is, he takes a huge load all is his face. We tell him good job and good luck on the next one, lol.

  • 00:29:33
  • Nov 20, 2011
  • 94


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