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fun fucking in the sun with maya and gisselle

So This week I took two of the nastiest freaks down to south beach for some sun, fun and a little food. Giselle Humes and her lovely friend Maya were those to hot tramps I was talking about. I even got Ramon to come and hang out with us for a little while. It was simple. I fed these two girls; they provided me with a little bit of info on their lives, and in the end we get to fuck them at my crib. My solid planning paid off because as soon as I told them the meal was on me they told me every little secret they had hidden behind those beautiful eyes. For instance, did you know Giselle loves bondage and whips and chains. Maya loves to get slammed in the ass! So after we had fun showing off our trophies in the beach and taking a few pictures, we took them back to my crib and got them to get freaky on each other. Giselle loves to eat pussy ( I guess that’s why she ordered sea food) as she licked Mayas twat and got her wet and ready for Ramon. Maya already knew what was in store for her, but it was Giselle who was in for a surprise as she saw the immense size of his cock that almost slap her across her face when she pulled down his drawers. They both got slammed hard that day. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 19, 2008
  • 257


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