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georgia s and diamond big asses

Here at BangBros we love asses. Huge fucking juicy motherfucking asses. This week we’re bringing back to you a fucking classic. Georgia Peach and her hot ass friend Diamond, join us to bring you two of the juiciest asses to ever grace the biz. First, we have these chicks show us a taste of what they got at the beach. That’s right, two gorgeous babes shaking their booty in public with no regard. Then comes time for the main event, we take these delicious babes up to our hotel room to have an ASStastic good time. My boy Jordan is the lucky bastard that gets to drill these two hot fucking chicks. Jordan does his job, he gives Georgia Peach and Diamond the pounding of a life time. He even gets a crack at Georgia’s booty hole. Enjoy!

  • 00:58:39
  • May 16, 2016
  • 236


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