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the best fuck in tokyo

Once again, Borya is searching for some sexual excitement, and his passion for strange pussy takes him to Japan where he finds an adorable little honey named Ibaki. At first Ibaki seemed shy, but the shyness went away when Borya offered some cash for a peek at those cute tits. Wide open in public, Ibaki shows her Asian tits to Borya and he likes them very much. Who can withstand Borya’s swagger? Certainly not Ibaki, because Borya managed to temp her tummy with nuts and money, and she could not resist. Borya and Ibaki end up in a van somewhere and the action got hot as hell. Borya got a blow job , and Ibaki ended up showing off the piercings on both sides of her pussy. At some point Ibaki rides the cock reverse cow girl with the dick up her ass for some nice anal action. There is anal for all in this episode of Public Invasion.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 752


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