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wife diapers you and breastfeeding as you cum in diaper

Just a sweet, loving wife, Milah Romanov, who knows what her husband needs when he comes home. Let s get you out of your clothes and into a nice, fresh cushy diaper to relax. Wipes, lots of powder and all taped up. You watch TV beside her while her hand rests on the front of your diaper. You start getting rock hard & she knows what you love best, suckling on her huge lucious boobies! She takes out one breast so you can lie your head on her lap & suckle while she rubs over your diaper. Oof, that crinkle!! She encourages you to suckle, relax and cum in your diapers hun... oh, it s a big load in there!!! WOW.... all done so it s time to just chill in your diaper and watch TV. Nice & simple scenario for DL s

  • 00:09:19
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • 253


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