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faith & sushii turn you into diapered sissy slave

You open your eyes groggily to see two women fighting over a diaper! You try to move your arms and legs but you re tied to what appears to be a huge wooden crib. The ladies notice you re awake & are so pleased! They can t wait to tell you about your new life, but first!!! They need to put a diaper on you since, well, you very well can t use the restroom while tied up. They have a super cute PINK diaper for you so Sushii uses wipes/powder and tapes up your new bathroom! They put you in a pink dress with a white apron & tell you you re now their sissy, diapered slave!! Faith proceeds to put on a pink strap on dildo & she makes you suck it while Sushii watches with encouragement. After getting the dildo wet, Faith is going to slide your diaper over & fuck you in your butthole with it while they talk sexy. Afterwards, they adjust your diaper and after all that pegging, you need to go #2. which you do so in your pink diaper! The girls make faces & tease you about messing

  • 00:14:38
  • Apr 11, 2024
  • 152


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