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one for the ages!!

in this weeks bangbus update were all over the place lol i mean all over place having fun eating some fast food just having a good ol time..but on to the business at hand...we see a lot of talent out today and you guys know how we do we just have to throw out the cheddah..any who we run into these hotties out havng a good time so i go ahead and throw some money there way and ofcourse at first their a bit skeptical but the money always finds a way to get them in the these girls are wild as hell i mean my boy tony was having a blast fucking so many chicks in one day just made his day..i hope you guys enjoy this update..i mean its crazy and has all the ingredients of a classic in the making!!STAY TUNED!!!

  • 01:30:27
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • 1092


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