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super satisfaction 7467h

Hey all you naughty boys. Remember me? It’s me Ariel. The last time you probably saw me I had gone to go visit my girlfriend Wiska, we had lots of fun but I’m back home now and I’ve been feeling really horny. Last weekend I got the urge to do something different, so I went to the strip club for a cocktail. There was lots of energy, there were girls dancing on every stage, they had the guys going crazy. The Vibe of the club quickly got my juices flowing. I ended up spending nearly the entire night in the V.I.P. lounge with this sexy ass blonde named Alisson. I ended up going back to her place. Not long after we got there her boyfriend showed up, I remember seeing him earlier at the club. What a pleasant surprise. We relaxed for just a bit before going to their bedroom. We were standing in front of the bed, George and I started kissing while Alisson and I caressed his body, running our hands all over his chest. Alisson lifted her leg and George started rubbing her nylon covered tight, he

  • 00:02:21
  • Aug 19, 2005
  • 77


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