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fucking with andrea diangelis pretty little waitress from the beach bar

We are carrying all of our luggage and cameras and stuff at the beach and are trying to find some place to have a drink, or some water at least. When we arrive at a small place at the beach, this fucking place is going to close already. But we are lucky! A very nice woman who is always very hot, is going to offer some liquid that is not really a drink. She eats the dicks with a greedy mouth at the open beach and since we see that this is going to much open-air-show , we decide to finish up the scene at the studio. There she can be fucked the way we like it. We are surprised that she is coming so many times, and this is possible with her in every situation: with blowjobs, fingering her wet pussy, fucking her in the pussy, etc. She can t just stop it! We didn t have a drink in the end, but the fucking scene she left to us, is very satisfying.

  • 00:35:55
  • Aug 03, 2022
  • 113


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