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finding a place to fuck

What s up guys, this week something crazy happened to me, I was driving through this rough neighborhood and I saw this pretty girl walking around, I offered her a ride. I was driving around aimlessly, as I notice she didn t have any money no even for food, I offered her money for sex, she start touching and sucking my cock. I drove around finding a place to fuck, finally I went to this fucking park behind some warehouses, she had a great tits and a wet pussy. When I was gonna cum a fucking security appear so we run naked to the car, I decide to finish it in a gas station bathroom, we did it and it was amazing. I drop it at her, and the best part is that I was going to give her the money I promise and she didn t accept it. I think she love my cock.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 29, 2007
  • 120


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