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mz. berlin likes it rough

What up guys??? I was chilling with my boy TJ the other day, and he starts to pester me telling me that he s been wanting to chill real bad with Mz. Berlin. She shot with us before and he wanted to tap that ass for a long time. Only thing was she was working. We figured, fuck it, let s go over and check her out anyway. To our luck, the store was right around the corner, and she happens to be the owner of the store, so she was able to tell someone to take over the store while she left with us. I have to say she was looking mighty fine. Her tits looked even bigger than the last time I saw her. Mz. Berlin is so fucking hot, but let me tell you, not just any regular old Joe can handle this woman. Mz. Berlin likes it rough and she likes to give it rough as well. I m talking about slapping men, walking on guys with pointy heels, the works. But she is so fucking fine that my boy TJ let her do whatever she wanted to him. The sex is incredibly hot when Mz. Berlin takes over!!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 21, 2009
  • 328


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