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betty luxxx giving a blowjob with a scenic background

That girl Betty is just enjoying the view when all of a sudden she is in the mood of giving a blowjob. Right there.
Tenerife is providing endless opportunities to enjoy natural beauty. For some, that can be a sexual turn on. It seems that is the case with Betty Luxxx as well who after briefly observing the rhythm of life on this awesome island, she asks our cameraman to go with her into the alley.
There she immediately starts to suck his cock really hard. She also reveals her juicy looking tits. Great start of the day really.
She constantly kept eye contact with the cameraman while she milked his cock. The reward she was hoping for arrived in the form of a splashy load of jizz right in her mouth. Tenerife is best served with sperm it seems!

  • 00:34:19
  • Aug 15, 2022
  • 141


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