Girlfriends Films presents the third installment of Secret Lesbian Diaries. This time, the girls come out of the closet in a lesbian-only writing class. Sharing their personal diaries and most secret fantasies with each other, the girls discover each other s preferences and romance is bound to bloom!
Cassandra Nix, EstefaniaNichole, Mary Jane, Anamary, Phoenix, Marco, Jonny Rocket, Champ, Alize, Lexani, Gloria Shynez, Max Strong, Shajar, Paris Monroe, Hony, Gina, Trixie Star, Laura, Jazmin, Lenita, Angelina Lopez, Krystal Romania, Vivian Versace, Caramel, Lizz, Nikki, Lily Charms, Raychel Steel, Anna Kay, Cirrus Feiri, Shannon, Nicky Styxx, Fefe, Jenny, Madison Lee, Daisha, Passion, China, Lilah, Blondie, Armani, Bri, La, Alice St Clair, Tay, Ruby, Yummy, Adriana Sephora, Brannon Rhodes, Mya G.
Cassandra Nix, Vivian Versace, Neo, Raul, Adriana Sephora
Cassandra Nix, Mary Jane, Arianna Sky, Barbie Doll, Yummy, Tink, Daisy Haze, Karmen Blaze, Adriana Sephora