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better late than never

Needed a massage after a long flight so after I got settled in my room I called up a mobile massage that I found online. After what seemed like FOREVER I get a knock on my door of course I break out my cell because I wanna hear the excuse that is given to me so I can show her boss in the morning! Well when I open the door I see a sexy bombshell of a blonde with HUGE TITS and a PHAT ASS! Says her name is @katrinathicc, she apologizes and seems so sincere there was no way I was going to show her boss anything. She promise me that she will make up being so late and assures me I won t regret this massage! My god was she right! The massage only lasted a few mins it was the deepthroating, sucking of my balls, and fucking her wet juicy pussy which had my eyes in the back of my head that had me not regretting letting her in. Oh not to mention I got to blow a load deep in her pussy for my happy ending. This will be the only service I use when I come into town.

  • 00:17:59
  • Oct 15, 2022
  • 608


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