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housewife and plumbers trans lesbian threesome

I am a housewife who dropped my wedding ring down the sink and got my arm stuck in the drain trying to fish it out. Desperate to break free, I call the first plumbers I find online and ask them to rush over. The plumbers turn out to be a hot tall brunette and a curvy redhead (Sophie Ladder and Summer Hart.) Summer tells me to put my leg up on the counter so she can get to the drain - and she discovers I’m not wearing panties under my dress. They take advantage of my predicament and use me while I’m stuck. Summer starts eating my pussy and invites Sophie to join her. They take some dildos out of Sophie’s toolbelt and put them in my mouth and cunt. Sophie makes me suck her cock while Summer licks and fingers my pussy, then they trade places. Summer shoves my face into her delicious pussy and red pubes, and I eat her out while Sophie fingers me and then slides her cock inside.
Next I get spitroasted when Summer puts on a strap-on and Sophie makes me deepthroat her hard cock while I ge

  • 00:17:58
  • Mar 03, 2022
  • 365


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