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insecure stepmom wants to know she s still fuckable - aitsfs1e9 - 3/3

Kymber comes home upset after shopping with her husband and sees her stepson Scott sitting on the couch. She explained to him while at the store a man was a little flirty with her and she was flirty back. Her husband didn’t like that and got all upset and said “You’re too old to be doing that. No other man’s going to find you attractive let alone want to have sex with you.”
So Kimber asks her stepson if he thinks she’s attractive. At first, he doesn’t want to answer the question, but finally gives in and says yes. Although he thinks it’s weird to find his stepmom attractive. Kymber pulls her breasts out of her dress and shows them to her stepson. She asked him if he likes them and he can touch them if he wants. By this time she can’t help but notice that he has a hard cock. So she gives him a hand with it. She can’t get over how big her stepson‘s cock is and decides to put it in her mouth. She wants to show him that she has skills just like other girls do and that her husband is cr

  • 00:22:34
  • Mar 25, 2024
  • 92


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