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hot all orifice threesome!

I had this hot busty teen called Virginee over and we were getting down to the usual: a bit of oral lesbian fun. Frank came home earlier than I expected though and caught us. He didn t seem to mind though, as he got out the handycam we use when we fuck sometimes and started filming us. Soon though he wanted to be involved and his cock was ready for action. He took it in turn pounding young Virginee s ass and my ass and pussy while we continued using our fingers and tongues on each other. It was really hot. At one point Virginee came as Frank pounded her in reverse cowgirl and I jammed some fingers up her pussy at the same time. She loved that. It all ended with me getting a rough hard anal pounding before Frank pulled out and came on Virginee s face and my gaping asshole! Mmmm. I can t wait to get caught again!

  • 00:35:03
  • Jan 29, 2006
  • 525


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