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fist in the fanny

Brunette Nelly from the Czech Republic and redheaded Russian Nataly can’t keep their tongues and hands off each other in these lesbian sexy pics. But as you’ll see Nataly is talented in far more than just giving and taking pussy licking! Yes indeed, as these lithe lovelies lap tongues and cram cunnies, they’re building up to a performance of Nataly’s special skill, which is taking a fist in her fanny! First Nelly primes her friend’s asshole with her finger, even as Nataly shows her appreciation when we see these girls eating pussy in sixty-nine. But then, with the help of a little lube, we see Nelly’s fingers begin their deep journey into the tight tunnel between Nataly’s cheeks, and your eyes will pop at just how far her fist will go in this outstanding lesbian XXX video showing European pornstars at their most daring, enthusiastic, and--there’s no other word for it--accommodating!

  • 00:20:15
  • Mar 04, 2006
  • 360


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