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theres a reason why shes a legend!

treat yourself to another in our Busty Legends series with a peek at a classic set of Caylian Curtis. After a nice striptease sequence in which she slowly peels out of a very elegant bra and panty set, this Czech beauty displays her 34DDs to our appreciative eyes. Just imagine yourself coming home to a beautiful apartment where Caylian is waiting on the couch, stretched out for whatever your pleasure might be. She keeps her pussy shaved under those transparent lace panties, and she soon shows it off while inviting you close to her pretty boobs. Caylian looks mostly serious and sultry in her pix, but every once in awhile flashes an absolutely incandescent smile which shows she can be playful and girlish too. There are good reasons why sets become part of our Busty Legends series, and when you see Caylian rubbing her pussy, smiling at you, and propping up her big tits under her forearm, you’ll understand those reasons with every satisfying squirt of your dick!

  • 00:14:25
  • Jun 12, 2006
  • 401


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