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taking the cock deep inside!

Big, juicy tits and an insatiable, sexual appetite. Yup, that s me, Gianna! I know most of you think of my tits when you think of me but I had Kid Jamaica concentrating on my pussy for a long time too! His big black cock felt so good inside me. He had it out and in my mouth in no time as I sucked and slurped hungrily on his pole. He was dipping into my honey pot all the way in, then all the way out. His dick felt soooooo good inside my moist box. Soon he had upped the tempo and was thrusting away like his life depended on it, grabbing a handful of boob every now and again for good measure. I treated him to a titty-fuck to finish off and he came all over my huge melons! What a stud!

  • 00:24:12
  • Jul 11, 2006
  • 545


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