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the spark that took 4 plugs!

It s me Betty again. I took this summer job at a small museum in the countryside. It is pretty boring and mostly involves me telling and tourists to not touch exhibits. Anyway the other day these guys started messing around, sitting on the chairs, and touching everything. I told them they couldn t and they should get behind the rope. One of them asked what I would do to make them, suggesting a suck on his cock would persuade him!!!! Well I was over there in a flash and soon had four hard throbbing cocks to suck on. Before I knew it I was bent over the exhibit and getting shafted by two cocks while I jerked and sucked on the other two... Wow it was so sexy. In the end I took four big messy facials before the supervisor saw me butt naked and covered in cum! I am looking for another job now but I have great memories of my last one!

  • 00:33:18
  • Aug 03, 2006
  • 460


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