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four bouncing boobs!

Miranda and I were relaxing in the sauna after a swim. We go a couple of times a week to keep in shape. Anyway we were chatting and chilling when these two muscly studs walked in. Well we were all flirting with each other in no time and the guys were on us like hungry dogs, squeezing our tits and caressing our slick bodies. We got their hard cocks in our mouths and soon it was one sweaty lusty mess of sex and fluids. Miranda got DP d as I ATM d and PTM d the guys cocks and soon the boys were ready to blow from this intense action. Finally we were all covered in sweat and juice and left to rub our slick bodies against each other as the lads went to shower!

  • 00:22:10
  • Aug 20, 2006
  • 582


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