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double the pleasure!

Hi there, did you miss me? I have been away for a while, but when Denys invited me to shoot with James and Frank I couldn t resist. These guys have the best dicks i ve encountered in sometime, so I am on it! Working with them is more pleasure than work, I can tell you that first hand! These guys were horny as hell, the moment I stepped on I could see James was ready to go and soon enough I was bouncing up and down on his dick. When Frank joined in it was double the fun for me! These guys DPd me to no end and left my kitty purring with pleasure. I came a couple of times, and could have easily had multiples. Then I returned the favor, getting them both off! Boy, James sure does spurt a big load!

  • 00:13:56
  • Sep 05, 2006
  • 302


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