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my sexy girl friend and me!

Hi Guys, I m back and I brought a sexy girl friend along. This is one of my newest girlfriends, her names Eufrat and she s as sexy as they come (or cum ;)). Her dark hair and sexy blue eyes excite me to no end and her lips are so warm and soft I just love kissing her. We always have such a good time when were together that it s hard for us to stay apart but being apart makes us want each other that much more, that s really the only reason we do it. When Eufrat called me earlier and said that she was going to stop by I started getting excited and believe it or not feeling all tingly inside. It didn t take us long to strip ourselves down and start getting into it, caressing each others sexy bodies and kissing and licking each other all over. She knows exactly how I like it and I always give her my all, playing each others horny pussies, making us completely wet. We broke out our toys to finish the job and make it all complete. I can t wait until the next time we see each other again.

  • 00:18:31
  • Jun 17, 2007
  • 224


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