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horny dreams of reality!

Hey guys I’m Lola and I’m in a very horny mood. I woke up this morning all hot and bothered, my nipples were hard and my pussy was hot and wet. I made myself a bath and grabbed in my little yellow duck, there’s nothing like a little play time the in the morning to get the day started right I began playing around, touching my body and rubbing my duck in the naughtiest of places. I rubbed my duck across my horny nipples, teasing them up nice and stiff before moving down to my pussy and giving it a thrill all it’s own. I didn’t take me long at all before I was ready to have an orgasm but I made myself wait as I often do. I always like giving myself the biggest orgasm that I can and the longer I tease myself the bigger it will be. I continued playing with myself as I long as I could before lost all control, giving myself the biggest orgasm that I have had in a while.

  • 00:13:08
  • Jun 27, 2007
  • 195


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