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fiery hot fetish babe

Dorothy Black really got men hot under their collars and stiff in their pants with this 2007 vintage solo scene where she showcases her fire dancing skills. We re bringing this classic back for those who missed it the first time, or to get you heated once again with her sizzling hot performance...literally. The Hungarian blonde Milf is dressed to the nines in latex fetish wear, from her skull and crossbones bustier to her spiked studded thigh high black boots. She gets the fire going and stripteases as she starts to feel the warmth growing in her trimmed pussy, as well. This kinky blonde isn t afraid to play with fire, being a hot glamour babe herself, and even goes the length dropping candle wax on her tongue to demonstrate her toughness. Don t mess with the fiery Miss Black or you just might get burned!

  • 00:05:14
  • Aug 29, 2007
  • 134


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