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these swingers sizzle

Here’s the perfect bar, complete with skimpily dressed barmaid Gabriela and sultry B-girl (as bar hostesses used to be called in the 50s) Marsha Lord. They are very friendly to lusty drinking buddies James Brossman and Bob Terminator, and pretty cozy with each other too, kissing in front of the men as a way to stir up their cocks faster than a swizzle stick in a highball. Soon Marsha’s on her knees glomming on two peckers at once in this hardcore XXX video, and then bending over for Bob’s boner from behind while slurping on James’ johnson. Gabriela also grabs some of that fleshy gusto for her hands and face, and the girls both kneel and ride those upthrust shafts, giving this group sex epic everything from basic anal to deep double penetration to the happy reception of the gizzum that the guys deliver to both mouth and asshole!

  • 00:34:04
  • Nov 06, 2007
  • 298


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