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stretch out with kyla

Dressed up in sensuous finery today, Kyla Fox looks at us seductively, running her red-manicured finger over her glossy lips and then peeling out of her black lacy wrap to reveal the satiny scarlet corset below. She slides down her frilly black skirt and we see her red thong which showcases an incredible derriere. In fact our DDF cameras spend a good amount of time studying that tush for our pleasure. Kyla eventually takes off the rest of her garments except for her high heels and lacy beige thigh high stockings, which nicely accent her curvy legs. After viewing her almost-nude pics and erotic video, in which she caresses her shaved pussy and shows off her shape in some especially striking angles, you’ll want to stretch out on the shiny floor and do all sorts of fun things with this hot babe from the Czech Republic!

  • 00:14:12
  • Feb 02, 2008
  • 117


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