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will get satisfaction

Serilla Lamante looks like she really means business today as she stands before us in her black camisole, thong, wide fishnet stockings, and heels. She has an intense stare that tells us she needs satisfaction and will get it. Pulling apart her nether lips, she shows us what she has to work with. Then she takes out a huge golden bullet-style vibrator. Plunging it into her pie, she still looks over at us with that challenging expression. She unzips her camisole so that she has more freedom to show us her assets. She pulls her bottom cheeks wide and we can see all. Then Serilla gets on the couch in the doggie position and plunges the vibe into her veeg from the back. The Hungarian beauty keeps moving around until she finds the right position to rocket off to climax!

  • 00:13:37
  • Apr 30, 2008
  • 148


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