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no hole left unfilled!

Dorothy Black truly gives us “the hole show” in this set as she lets our DDF cameras roam all over her body. First she poses in a pink and black bustier and one black glove, then takes out her huge suckable boobs and teases us with her nipples in enormous “pretend you are sucking my tits” closeups! Tantalizing us with her crotch while it’s covered in a black thong, she soon displays herself totally and we get to study her pierced labia and her puckered pink asshole. The closeups are amazing here! You ll feel you re standing on the edge of a volcano, not a mere asshole! Even the images where Dorothy is sucking on her finger with her lushly glossed lips, licking her digit with her tongue, look erotic in a startling, unusual way. But Dorothy has other purposes for her fingers, which include spreading her pussy with her still-gloved right hand. When she finally removes the glove, she’s free to finger not just her snatch but her rosebud as well, before presenting her butt to us in doggie style for all the anal daydreams we can handle!

  • 00:18:07
  • May 21, 2008
  • 360


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