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toes as hot as her tush!

From her perfectly sexy red-polished toenails to the tip of her head, Maya is a sultry Russian temptress! From the moment she doffs her short shimmery beaded dress to reveal sheer black panties, Mayas got our psyches firmly in her grip. Some models take their time about stuffing a finger in their buttholes; not Maya! She goes for the rosebud right away, preparing her asshole and slit for a humongous clear glass dildo. Her penetrating blue eyes anticipate all our masturbation moves as she fucks herself like crazy while we watch. What is she saying to us with those eyes? Push the dildo into her ass deeper? Or does she want us to kiss her particularly alluring toes in her t-strap heels while she cums on her toy? Seriously, while you have to see this set for her beautiful manicure and pedicure, Maya doesnt just appeal to the fetishists: this lustful wench writhes every which way on that sinfully scarlet couch as she plugs her tush and looks at us as if shes daring us to pull out that d

  • 00:24:20
  • Jun 06, 2008
  • 158


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